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Friday, 16 August 2013

Med School Addict

Two weeks left until my Summer holiday ends. Feels pretty strange to come home to winter in the Southern hemisphere while it's actually my summer holiday in the Northern hemi! Anyway, all this holidaying and free time got me to a myth-busting realization.

So yes, we spend long hours behind books, in libraries and around labs and when it comes to the summer holiday, med students jump right onto the next plane home! Now I talk for those that, like me, study medicine abroad. Three flights, a train and a bus ride later, WE ARE HOME! Eating home food, visiting buddies, relaxing in your comfy bed... now what?

We find ourselves wondering what that answer in that exam was, out comes Google, Wikipedia and next thing you know, you're watching a lecture on You Tube just 'coz you've become one curious busy body who can't sit still for more than a few hours without doing something that makes you, well, as some say, A NERD!!

Well, not entirely. This is who we are now. We are Medical Students. We study medicine, sleep medicine and basically live medicine! But that's ok, we have papers to write, scholarships to apply for, board exams to pass and one day, we'll have lives to save.

So, be proud of the intellectual bad ass that you are and get that holiday butt up and keep learning something new everyday.

Cheers to the eternal students. Hope you all had a cracker of a holiday :)

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